EM4134 Memory Template


Use the EM4134 Memory Template to read data from the EM MicroElectronic Marin EM4134 chip.

The reader may either

  • Read arbitrary data; the data will be transmitted in hexadecimal format. To do so, select the RAW mode in TOF register.

  • Read a number (decimal output). To do so, select the decimal mode in TOF register.

  • Read a string (ASCII-encoded data). To do so, select either the Short String or the Long String mode in TOF register.

The target data is pointed to by an absolute word number; a word is 4-byte long (yet the data may occupy more than one word).

The word number is specified in the LOC register.


This Template uses 5 configuration registers:

Alias Offset Name Description
LKL 0 Lookup List Set to 56 to use this Template
LOC 3 Location of Data See details below
TOF 1 Output Size and Format See details below
OPT 4 Options Template-specific Options
PFX 2 Prefix Template-specific Prefix

LOC - Location of Data

Offset : 3

Size : 3

Byte 0 : Address

This is the Address of the 1st word to read; valid range is 1 to 15 (in decimal).

Byte 1 : Shift Bytes

Leading bytes to suppress; valid range is 0 to 3.

Byte 2 : Shift Bits

Leading bits to suppress; valid range is 0 to 7.

TOF - Output Size and Format

Offset : 1

Size : 2

Byte 0 : RAW Mode

Condition : When RAW Mode is selected (Bit 6 in Byte 0 is 0)

Bit    Role Values
7 Invert Data? 0 : Transmit the sequence of bytes as is
1 : Transmit the sequence of bytes in reverse order
6 Mode 0 : RAW Mode (Data is a numerical value)
1 : String Mode (Data is an ASCII string)
5 Padding if Data is shorted than specified length 0 : Padd with 0 on the left
1 : Padd with F on the right
4 Remove leading zeroes? 0 : Keep all digits
1 : Suppress 0 digits on the left of the Data
3-0 Length and Format 0 : Decimal, 10 digits (truncation on 4-B)
1 : Raw (hex), 4 bytes (32 bits)
2 : Raw (hex), 8 bytes (64 bits)
3 : Raw (hex), 5 bytes (40 bits)
4 : Raw (hex), 10 bytes (80 bits)
5 : Raw (hex), 7 bytes (56 bits)
6 : Raw (hex), 11 bytes (88 bits)
7 : RFU
8 : Raw (hex), 16 bytes (128 bits)
9 : Raw (hex), 20 bytes (160 bits)
10 : Raw (hex), 24 bytes (196 bits)
11 : Raw (hex), 32 bytes (256 bits)
12 : Decimal, 12 digits (truncation on 5-B)
13 : Decimal, 13 digits (truncation on 5-B)
14 : Decimal, variable length
15 : Raw (hex), variable length

Byte 0 : String Mode

Condition : When String Mode is selected (Bit 6 in Byte 0 is 1)

Bit    Role Values
7 Invert Data? 0 : Transmit the sequence of characters as is
1 : Transmit the sequence of characters in reverse order
6 Mode 0 : RAW Mode (Data is a numerical value)
1 : String Mode (Data is an ASCII string)
5 Padding if Data is shorted than specified length 0 : Variable length (no padding)
1 : Padd with (space characters) on the right until the specified length
4 Short string or Long string? 0 : Short string (truncate to 16 characters or less)
1 : Long string (more than 16 characters)
3-0 Length 0 : 16 characters
1 : 1 character
2 : 2 characters
3 : 3 characters
4 : 4 characters
5 : 5 characters
6 : 6 characters
7 : 7 characters
8 : 8 characters
9 : 9 characters
10 : 10 characters
11 : 11 characters
12 : 12 characters
13 : 13 characters
14 : 14 characters
15 : 15 characters

Byte 1 : Options for Long String

Condition : When Long String Mode is selected (Bit 6 in Byte 0 is 1 and Bit 4 is 1)

Use this byte to specify the exact length to read from the card. Valid range is 1 to 255.

OPT - Options

Offset : 4

Size : 1

If this register is set, the Reader adds a token to its output to tell the receiver what kind of credential has been read.

Bit    Role Values
7-4 RFU
3-2 Position of the Card Type Token 0 : Before the Prefix
1 : After the Prefix, before the Data
2 : After the Data (before the Suffix)
3 : RFU
1-0 Add a Card Type Token to the output stream? 0 : Do not add a Card Type Token
1 : Add Card Type Token in hex (56)
2 : Add Card Type Token as char (V)
3 : RFU

PFX - Prefix

Offset : 2

Size : 8

A Template-specific Prefix, that is added after the Reader’s global Prefix.

Remark : Use \t for a Tab, \n for Enter, \b for Back space, \v for Vertical space.