Status Words

SW1 SW2 Meaning
90 00 Success
61 XX Normal processing, XX indicates the amount of data to be retrieved
62 82 Le is greater than the actual length of DataOut. Retry with Le=00 to let the reader decide the length
63 00 Execution error
63 84 Chaining not supported
65 81 Memory failure
66 XX Security-related issues
67 00 The APDU is invalid (Lc is not consistent with the length of DataIn)
6A 86 Incorrect parameters P1 or P2
69 00 Command not allowed
69 81 Command incompatible
69 82 Security status not satisfied
69 85 Condition of use not satisfied
69 86 Command not allowed (no EF )
6A 81 Function not supported
6A 82 Wrong address (no such block or no such offset in the PICC/VICC)
6A 83 Record not found
6A 84 Wrong length (trying to write too much data at once)
6A 86 Incorrect parameters P1-P2
6A 87 Lc is not consistent with P1, P2
6B 00 Wrong parameters P1 or P2
6C XX Le is invalid; retry the same command with Le=SW2
6D XX The instruction code is not supported
6E 00 The instruction class is not supported
6F 00 No precise Diagnosis