General configuration of the Contactless (NFC) interface in poller (reader) mode

Address : 0230 (bank 2, register 30)

Size : 1 byte

Default : 01


Select how the 13.56MHz interface behaves.


Bit    Role Values
7 Prevent carrier collision (probe the RF field before becoming active) 0 : Disable carrier collision detection
1 : Enable carrier collision detection
5-4 Tracking policy 0 : Normal (keep the RF field active and watch the card periodically)
1 : Power saving (reduce the RF field and watch the card periodically)
2 : Low power (shut down the RF field, resume every 0.5 second to look for the card)
3 : Very low power (shut down the RF field, resume every 1.0 second to look for the card)
3-2 Polling policy 0 : Normal (be a poller all the time)
1 : Power saving (be a poller approx twice per second)
2 : Low power (be a poller approx once per second)
3 : LPCD
0 Be a NFC poller (reader) 0 : Be a listener
1 : Be a poller (reader)