Non-USB Control

Since Serial and Network (TCP) interfaces don’t intrinsicly provide an equivalent of the USB Control endpoint (that is required to detect, recognize and activate the device), the non-USB variants of the CCID protocol must emulate this missing feature.

This is done using pseudo-endpoints ControlOut (00) for PC to RDR commands, and ControlIn (80) for RDR to PC responses. The command/responses described in this paragraph are proprietary, yet inspired for the largest part by the USB core specifications.

List of opcodes

The same opcode is used for a command and the corresponding response.

Opcode Name Role
00 GET STATUS Check that the device is up and running, report an error
06 GET DESCRIPTOR Identify the device and its features
09 SET CONFIGURATION Start (or stop) the CCID engine in the device



Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Endpoint 00 ControlOut
1 Message type 00 GET STATUS
2-5 Length of payload 00000000 No payload
6-10 0000000000 Not used


Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Endpoint 80 ControlIn
1 Message type 00 GET STATUS
2-5 Length of payload 00000000 No payload
6-9 00000000 Not used
10 xx STATUS byte

Value of the STATUS byte in GET STATUS response

Value Description Possible cause
00 OK
01 Control error Unsupported command on ControlOut endpoint
FC Overrun The host sends a BulkOut command while another BulkOut command is already pending
FD Denied Device must be activated before sending a BulkOut command (see SET CONFIGURATION below)
FE Overflow The BulkOut message is too big for the device’s buffer
FF Protocol error Invalid endpoint or invalid frame format



Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Endpoint 00 ControlOut
1 Message type 06 GET DESCRIPTOR
2-5 Length of payload 00000000 No payload
6 Descriptor type xx Same as ‘Value_L’ in USB spec.
7 Descriptor index xx Same as ‘Value_H’ in USB spec.
8-10 000000 Not used


Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Endpoint 80 ControlIn
1 Message type 06 GET DESCRIPTOR
2-5 Length of payload xxxxxxxx
6 Descriptor type xx Echo of the value received in the command
7 Descriptor index xx Echo of the value received in the command
8-10 000000 Not used
11-N Descriptor value xx...xx Raw structure or UTF16 string depending on the descriptor

List of available descriptors

Type / Value_L Index / Value_H Response’s payload Remark
01 00 Device descriptor Same as USB Device descriptor. See below for details.
02 00 Configuration descriptor Same as USB Configuration descriptor. See below for details.
03 01 Vendor Name UTF16 string, namely SpringCard
03 02 Product Name UTF16 string
03 03 Serial Number UTF16 string, length is either 8 or 12 characters (4 or 6 bytes expressed in hex) depending on manufacturing options
03 04 Configuration Name UTF16 string, namely CCID

Device descriptor

Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Size 12 Length of device descriptor is 18 bytes
1 Type 01 This is a device descriptor
2-3 USB version 0200 Don’t care
4 Class 00 Class is specified in the interface descriptor
5 SubClass 00 No subclass specified
6 Protocol 00 No protocol specified
7 MaxPacketSize0 xx Don’t care
8-9 Vendor Id 1C34 Identifier of the manufacturer (SPRINGCARD, formerly PRO ACTIVE)
10-11 Product Id xxxx Identifier of the device
12-13 Version xxxx Firmware version
14 Index of Vendor Name 01 Index of the Vendor Name string descriptor
15 Index of Product Name 02 Index of the Product Name string descriptor
16 Index of Serial Number 03 Index of the Serial Number string descriptor
17 Configurations 01 Only one configuration supported

Configuration descriptor

Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Size 09 Length of configuration descriptor is 9 bytes
1 Type 02 This is a configuration descriptor
2-4 Total size 005D Total length of all the descriptors is 93 bytes
4 Interfaces 01 Only one interface
5 Configuration 01 This is the first (and single) configuration
6 Index of Configuration Name 04 Index of the Configuration Name string descriptor
7 Attributes xx Don’t care
8 Max Power xx Don’t care
9 Size 09 Length of interface descriptor is 9 bytes
10 Type 04 This is an interface descriptor
11 Interface 00 Interface number = 0
12 Alternate settings 00 Don’t care
13 Endpoints 03 3 endpoints
14 Class 0B CCID class
15 SubClass 00 No subclass specified
16 Protocol 00 No protocol specified
17 Index of Interface Name 00 No string provided
18 Size 36 Length of CCID descriptor
19 Type 21 Specific to CCID
20-21 Version 0110 Only version of CCID specification is 1.10
22 MaxSlotIndex xx The number of CCID slots, minus 1 (03 means 4 slots!)
23 VoltageSupport 07 5V, 3V and 1.8V (makes no sense for a contactless coupler)
24-27 Protocols 00000003 Support T=0 and T=1
28-31 DefaultClock 00000FA0 Default clock is 4MHz (makes no sense for a contactless coupler)
32-35 MaximumClock 00000FA0 Maximum clock is 4MHz (makes no sense for a contactless coupler)
36 NumClockSupported 00 Clock frequency is managed by the device
37-40 DataRate 00002A00 Default bitrate is 10752bps (makes no sense for a contactless coupler)
41-44 MaxDataRate 00030D90 Max bitrate is 250kbps (makes no sense for a contactless coupler)
45 NumDataRateSupported 00 Bitrate is managed by the device
46-49 MaxIFSD 000000FE T=1 max block size is 254
50-53 SynchProtocols 00000000 Synchronous cards are not supported
54-57 Mechanical 00000000 No motor/no special hardware
58-61 Features 0004047E - short and extended APDU exchange
- automatic IFSD exchange
- automatic bitrate change (self determined)
- automatic clock frequency change (self determined)
- automatic PPS (proprietary algorithm)
- automatic voltage selection
- automatic activation on insertion
- automatic parameter configuration based on ATR
62-65 MaxMessageLength 00010012 65554 bytes (64kB for payload + 10B for data + endpoint)
66 ClassGetResponse FF GET RESPONSE uses the same CLAss as preceding APDU
67 ClassEnvelope FF
68-69 LCDLayout 0000 No LCD
70 PinSupport 00 No pinpad
71 MaxBusySlot 01 Device can only process one command at a time
72 Size 07 Length of endpoint descriptor is 7 bytes
73 Type 05 This is an endpoint descriptor
74 Address 81 1st endpoint is RDR to PC (BulkIn) at index 1
75 Attributes 02 Bulk
76-77 MaxPacketSize xxxx Don’t care (value for USB only; Serial and TCP have a direct access to the 64kB buffer)
78 Interval 00 Don’t care
79 Size 07 Length of endpoint descriptor is 7 bytes
80 Type 05 This is an endpoint descriptor
81 Address 02 2nd endpoint is PC to RDR (BulkOut) at index 2
82 Attributes 02 Bulk
83-84 MaxPacketSize xxxx Don’t care (value for USB only; Serial and TCP have a direct access to the 64kB buffer)
85 Interval 00 Don’t care
86 Size 07 Length of endpoint descriptor is 7 bytes
87 Type 05 This is an endpoint descriptor
88-89 Address 83 3rd endpoint is RDR to PC (InterruptIn) at index 3
90 Attributes 03 Interrupt
91 MaxPacketSize 0010 Device will never send more than 16 bytes on InterruptIn
92 Interval 00 Don’t care

NB: the MaxSlotIndex field (in bold) must be read and handled by the host application.



Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Endpoint 00 ControlOut
1 Message type 09 SET CONFIGURATION
2-5 Length of payload 00000000 No payload
6 00 Not used
7 Start / stop CCID 00
Stop the coupler
Start the coupler
8-9 0000 Not used
10 Option xx See below

Value for the Option byte

The Option byte is an array of flags:

Bit Description Remark
7 RFU Must be 0
6 RFU Must be 0
5 RFU Must be 0
4 Power saving 0: no power saving
1: use LPCD (low power card detect) or alike power saving method to limit device’s power requirement
3 RFU Must be 0
2 RFU Must be 0
1 Use /WAKEUP 0: do not use /WAKEUP
1: use /WAKEUP (the device asserts this output line when a card is inserted or removed; therefore the host does not have to poll PC_To_RDR_GetSlotStatus too often)
0 Use InterruptIn endpoint 0: do not use InterruptIn endpoint (host SHALL poll using PC_To_RDR_GetSlotStatus to know when a card is inserted or removed)
1: use InterruptIn endpoint (a [RDR_to_PC_Notification](Non-USB Notifications) is sent when a card is inserted or removed)

Note: the InterruptIn endpoint SHALL NOT be activated on a RS-485 medium because the [RDR_to_PC_Notification](Non-USB Notifications) may collide with a PC_to_RDR command.

Values of Option byte - Network (TCP) interface


Byte Field Value Description / Remark
0 Endpoint 80 ControlIn
1 Message type 09 SET CONFIGURATION
2-5 Length of payload xxxxxxxx
6 00 Not used
7 CCID running? xx Echo of the value received in the command
8-9 0000 Not used
10 CCID option Echo of the value received in the command