Host Protocols Direct Protocol CONTROL class Queries GET DATA VOLTAGE AND CURRENT
September 27, 2024 at 7:00 AMGET VOLTAGE AND CURRENT
This instance of the GET DATA instruction reads the device’s voltage and current.
To access this instruction, invoke GET DATA (INS=20
) with DATA=BE
Response data
All power-related values are provided as a list of Tags / Length / Values. A missing entry denotes that the information is not available in the device.
Every Tag is on one byte, every Length is on one byte equal to 2, since every Value is on two bytes. Values are unsigned words.
List of Tags
Tag | Meaning |
00 |
Voltage measured on the Micore, in mV (0 to 5500) |
01 |
Current measured on the Micore, in mA (0 to 500) |
< 58 20 BE
> 00 00 02 05 DC 01 02 00 93
Voltage is 05DC
, i.e. 1500mV.
Current is 0093
, i.e. 147mA.