PUCK user interface

Light and sound

Sequence Meaning Action to be taken
Orange, flashing Battery level is too low to start the product Plug the product’s USB link to a computer or a 5V power supply
Yellow, 1 flash every second Firmware error / the bootloader is waiting for a new firware Use SpringCard Companion App. to upload a new firmware to the product
Yellow, 2 flashes every second Hardware error / the MCU failed to start Contact support
Yellow, 3 flashes every second Hardware error / the self-test has failed Contact support
Yellow, 4 flashes every second Security error Contact support
Yellow, very fast blinking Running the firmware upgrade procedure Wait until the procedure terminates
Yellow, solid + 1 long beep A new firmware has been successfully uploaded Wait until the device restarts with the new firmware
Yellow, solid +3 short beeps The non-volatile configuration memory has been cleared and the factory settings have been restored Wait until the device restarts with the new configuration



The PUCK Point feature one press-button (ACTION) on the bottom side.

Function Initial condition Operation
BLE unbonding Device is powered Hold ACTION button more than 3s (1st beep), less than 10s
Factory reset Device is powered Hold ACTION button more than 10s (1st beep at 3s, beeps at 10s)
Bootloader (DFU) Device is unpowered (unplugged) Hold ACTION button and power the device through its USB connector

PUCK Point

The PUCK Point feature two press buttons (POWER and ACTION) on the bottom side.

Function Initial condition Operation
Power ON Device is OFF Hold POWER button during 1s
Power OFF Device is ON Hold POWER button during 3s
BLE unbonding Device is ON Hold ACTION button more than 3s (1st beep), less than 10s
Factory reset Device is ON Hold ACTION button more than 10s (1st beep at 3s, beeps at 10s)
Bootloader (DFU) Device is OFF Hold ACTION button and press POWER during 1s
Hold ACTION button and power the device through its USB connector