SpringCore MQTT topics

Topic Purpose Format Direction Remark
springcard/springcore/{$id}/meta Device meta-data JSON META Message Device to host Always present
springcard/springcore/{$id}/status Device status JSON STATUS Message Device to host Always present
springcard/springcore/{$id}/ccid/p2r CCID protocol, PC_To_RDR Binary Host to device Not supported/Not yet documented
springcard/springcore/{$id}/ccid/r2p CCID protocol, RDR_To_PC Binary Device to host Not supported/Not yet documented
springcard/springcore/{$id}/ccid/int CCID protocol, Status Binary Device to host Not supported/Not yet documented
springcard/springcore/{$id}/dir/cmd Direct Protocol, commands Binary Host to device Not supported/Not yet documented
springcard/springcore/{$id}/dir/rsp Direct Protocol, responses Binary Device to host Not supported/Not yet documented
springcard/springcore/{$id}/dir/evt Direct Protocol, events Binary Device to host Not supported/Not yet documented
springcard/springcore/{$id}/rdr/cmd Smart Reader mode, $SCRDR or JSON commands Text $SCCMD Message
Host to device Text or JSON supported simultaneously
springcard/springcore/{$id}/rdr/evt Smart Reader mode, $SCRDR or JSON events Text $SCRDR Message
Device to host Text or JSON depending on register 02A0


  • The springcard/springcore prefix at the beginning of all the topics may be changes using the MQTT Topic prefix register.
  • The {$id} part of the topic is the Device ID taken from the Device ID register. If this register is empty, the Serial Number is taken instead (in hexadecimal, upper case).