Host Protocols Direct Protocol CONTROL class List of STAtus
April 13, 2023 at 2:39 AMSpringCore Direct CONTROL STAtus
values are taken from the Legacy SpringProx API (see springprox_errno.h
in the SDKs) and are defined as follow:
STA | Name | Description |
00 |
MI_OK | Success |
01 |
MI_NOTAGERR | No answer (no card / card is mute) |
02 |
MI_CRCERR | Invalid CRC in card’s response |
03 |
MI_EMPTY | No frame received (NFC mode) |
04 |
MI_AUTHERR | Authentication and card failed, or memory access denied |
05 |
MI_PARITYERR | Invalid parity bit(s) in card’s response |
06 |
MI_CODEERR | Card returned a NACK or a status indicating error |
07 |
MI_CASCLEVEX | Too many anticollision loops (ISO 14443-A) |
08 |
MI_SERNRERR | Wrong LRC in card’s serial number (ISO 14443-A) |
09 |
MI_LOCKED | Card or card’s memory is locked |
0A |
MI_NOTAUTHERR | Authentication on the card must be performed first |
0B |
MI_BITCOUNTERR | Wrong number of bits in card’s answer |
0C |
MI_BYTECOUNTERR | Wrong number of bytes in card’s answer |
0D |
MI_VALUEERR | Card: Counter is invalid |
0E |
MI_TRANSERR | Card: Transaction error |
0F |
MI_WRITEERR | Card: Write failed |
10 |
MI_INCRERR | Card: Counter increase failed |
11 |
MI_DECRERR | Card: Counter decrease failed |
12 |
MI_READERR | Card: Read failed |
13 |
MI_OVFLERR | NFC interface: FIFO overflow |
14 |
MI_POLLING | Polling mode pending |
15 |
MI_FRAMINGERR | Invalid framing in card’s response |
16 |
MI_ACCESSERR | Card access error (bad address or denied) |
17 |
MI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND | NFC interface: unknown command |
18 |
MI_COLLERR | A collision has occurred |
19 |
MI_COMMAND_FAILED | Command execution failed |
1A |
MI_INTERFACEERR | Hardware error |
1B |
MI_ACCESSTIMEOUT | NFC interface: timeout |
1C |
MI_NOBITWISEANTICOLL | More than one card found, but at least one does not support anticollision |
1D |
MI_EXTERNAL_FIELD | An external RF field has been detected |
1E |
MI_QUIT | Polling terminated (timeout or break) |
1F |
MI_CODINGERR | Bogus status in card’s response |
20 |
MI_CUSTERR | Card: Vendor specific error |
21 |
MI_CMDSUPERR | Card: Command not supported |
22 |
MI_CMDFMTERR | Card: Format of command invalid |
23 |
MI_CMDOPTERR | Card: Option(s) of command invalid |
24 |
MI_OTHERERR | Card: other error |
26 |
MI_TARGET_NOT_ACTIVE | 26 The target active bit is not set |
27 |
MI_FIELD_DOWN | 27 The external RF field has been lost |
3B |
MI_WRONG_MODE | Command not available in this mode |
3C |
MI_WRONG_PARAMETER | Wrong parameter for the command |
47 |
MI_CID_NOT_ACTIVE | No active card with this CID |
4B |
MI_BAD_ATS_LENGTH | Length error in card’s ATS |
4C |
MI_ATTRIB_ERROR | Error in card’s response to ATTRIB |
4D |
MI_BAD_ATS_FORMAT | Format error in card’s ATS |
4E |
MI_TCL_PROTOCOL | Protocol error in card’s response |
57 |
MI_BAD_PPS_FORMAT | Format error in card’s PPS response |
58 |
MI_PPS_ERROR | Other error in card’s PPS response |
5C |
MI_CID_NOT_SUPPORTED | The card doesn’t support the CID feature |
5D |
MI_CID_ALREADY_ACTIVE | A card is already active with this CID |
64 |
MI_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION | Command not supported by the coupler |
6F |
MI_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal error in the coupler |
70 |
MI_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | Internal buffer overflow |
7D |
MI_WRONG_LENGTH | Wrong data length for the command |
80 |
MI_TIME_EXTENSION | More time needed to process the command |
83 |
MI_CARD_NOT_TCL | Library: The found card doesn’t support ISO 14443-4 |
84 |
MI_RESPONSE_OVERFLOW | Library: Coupler’s response is longer than application’s buffer |
85 |
MI_RESPONSE_INVALID | Library: Coupler’s response is not formated as required |
86 |
MI_COMMAND_OVERFLOW | Library: Command buffer is longer than allowed |
F0 |
MI_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE | Library: The coupler doesn’t support this function |
F1 |
MI_SER_LENGTH_ERR | Library: Wrong length in Coupler’s response |
F2 |
MI_SER_CHECKSUM_ERR | Library: Wrong checksum in Coupler’s response |
F3 |
MI_SER_PROTO_ERR | Library: Protocol error in Coupler’s response |
F4 |
MI_SER_PROTO_NAK | Library: The coupler has sent a NACK |
F5 |
MI_SER_ACCESS_ERR | Library: Access to the communication device failed |
F6 |
MI_SER_TIMEOUT_ERR | Library: Coupler communication timeout |
F7 |
MI_SER_NORESP_ERR | Library: No response from coupler |
F8 |
MI_LIB_CALL_ERROR | Library: Invalid function call |
F9 |
MI_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR | Library: Memory allocation failed |
FA |
MI_READER_NAME_INVALID | Library: The device or reader name parameter is invalid |
FB |
MI_READER_CONNECT_FAILED | Library: Failed to connect to a remote reader |
FC |
MI_INVALID_READER_CONTEXT | Library: The sprox_ctx parameter is invalid |
FD |
MI_LIB_INTERNAL_ERROR | Library: An internal error has occured |