
Allow the host to perform common actions.


Not all hardware support this command. For devices without such capability, this instruction will generate an error.

Access condition

Depending on the configuration-defined access conditions and on the type of host interface (Local / Remote), this instruction may either be freely usable or restricted to authenticated communications.


Field Value
INS 89
Interface code See table below
Action See table below


Field Length Description / remark
STA 1 byte STAtus

List of available actions

Interface Interface Code Action Description / remark
BLE 00 00 BLE Unbond
READ_PN5180_CONFIG_NVM 01 00 Read the configuration of the RF frontend stored in the NVM (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
WRITE_PN5180_CONFIG_NVM 01 01 Write the configuration of the RF frontend in the NVM (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
ERASE_PN5180_CONFIG_NVM 01 01 Erase the configuration of the RF frontend in the NVM (INTERNAL USE ONLY)

Format of the PN5180 Config stored in the NVM (INTERNAL USE ONLY)

Bytes Detail Content
Header 0-9 0-1 Type (0xC051)
2-5 Id (month-day-hour-min)
6-9 Total Length
EEPROM 10-236 10-11 Length of EEPROM data
12-236 Data (225 bytes)
RF Config 237-1873 237-238 Length of RF Config Data
239-1873 Data (TLVs, registers on DWORD)

Format of the PN5190 Config stored in the NVM (INTERNAL USE ONLY)

Bytes Detail Content
Header 0-9 0-1 Type (0xC052)
2-5 Id (month-day-hour-min)
6-9 Total Length
EEPROM 2 bytes Length of EEPROM data
Data (TLVs)
RF Config 2 bytes Length of RF Config Data
Data (TLVs, registers on DWORD)