Options to control how the slots are named, and their order of enumeration

Address : 02B1 (bank 2, register B1)

Size : 1 byte

Default : 00


Bit    Role Values
7-5 How are the slot numbers created 00 : Contactless, Contact, SAM(s)
01 : Contactless, SAM(s), Contact
02 : Contact, Contactless, SAM(s)
03 : Contact, SAM(s), Contactless
04 : SAM(s), Contact, Contactless
05 : SAM(s), Contactless, Contact
4-3 Add a part of the device identification data into the names of the slots 00 : Do not add a device id
01 : Add the complete serial number (in hex)
02 : Add the last 2 bytes of the serial number (in hex)
03 : Add the IPv4 address (if the device as a network interface)
2 Force a letter in the name of the SAM slots (eg “SAM A”, “SAM B” etc) 0 : No letter for a single SAM (“SAM” only)
1 : Even a single SAM is named “SAM A”
1 Force a letter in the name of the ID-1 slots (eg “Contact A”, “Contact B” etc) 0 : No letter for a single Contact slot (“Contact” only)
1 : Even a single Contact slot is named “Contact A”