PCSC Operation APDU Interpreter Vendor instructions SE ATECC HASH SIGN
April 13, 2023 at 2:39 AMATECC HASH SIGN instruction
This command asks the SpringCore device to perform an ECDSA signature, using its ATECC Secure Element.
Field | Value | Remark |
CLA | FF |
INS | F9 |
P1 | E7 |
ECDSA signature (raw message supplied) |
P2 | Key Index | 00 to 0D |
Lc | Var. | |
DataIn | Input message | Message to be signed |
Le | 00 |
Field | Value | Remark |
DataOut | Signature | 70, 71 or 72 bytes |
SW | 9000 on success |
Other values are documented in Status Words |