Once properly configured, everytime the Smart Reader reads a tag (contactless card, NFC tag or RFID label, data coming from a BLE token…), it sends to the listening host(s) a JSON-formatted READER EVENT Message, formatted as follow:

Fields in the JSON READER EVENT Message

Field Format Status Description Remark
"Device" string option Which device has read the token? This field is the serial number of the device. Transmitted only over non-explicit channels (such as HTTP).
Over explicit channels (such as MQTT), the device is identified by the context.
"Interface" string always Which interface has read the token? See Interfaces for details.
"Protocol" string always Protocol used to read the token. See Protocols for details.
"Template" integer always Template used to read the token.
"RSSI" integer option RSSI of the token, if this data is available (BLE and RFID UHF).
"TagId" string always Identifier of the token (output of the Smart Reader template). See TagId for details.
"Move" string option "Insert", "Remove" or "Insert,Remove" Tells whether the token is Inserted, Removed or has just made a short apparition (Inserted+Removed). The field is not transmitted if the Smart Reader is not configured to track the movements of the tokens.
"TagData" string option Some token-specific data than the Smart Reader template may provide in some situation (for instance the status of a tamper for some NFC tags, the advertising data in BLE spy mode, …). See TagData for details.
"TagDetails" string option Some advanced token-specific data than the Smart Reader template may provide in some situation (for instance scan response data in BLE spy mode, …). `See TagDetails for details.
"Uptime" string always The reader’s timestamp.



Note: for the ease of reading, the above JSON message is shown with spaces and line-feeds added. To shorten the messages, all line-feeds, spaces and tabs are removed from the actual JSON string sent by the device.

Channels sending this Message

The READER EVENT Message is sent by the device on any channel that is suitable for JSON operation.

Over the MQTT Client, it goes through topic springcard/springcore/{$id}/rdr/evt.