UI sequences for SpringPark

ID Name Meaning Description
01 NO MOTHER BOARD Error sequence - All LEDs: Group flashing x3, light time 5%, period 100ms
03 HARDWARE ERROR Error sequence for any hardware error / self test failed state - All LEDs: Group flashing x3, light time 5%, period 100ms
04 NOT GENUINE Counterfeit detected - All LEDs: Group flashing x3, light time 5%, period 100ms
- Buzzer ON during 1s
- Pause; wait during 1s
- Restore earlier UI sequence
05 CANCEL Cancel all sequences - All LEDs OFF
06 STARTUP The device is starting up - All LEDs: Solid ON
07 SHUTDOWN The device is shutting down - All LEDs OFF
08 PLEASE WAIT Generic wait sequence (device is busy / user action required) - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
09 BOOTLOADER WAITING Error sequence - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
0A FW UPGRADING Firmware updated in progress, DON’T SWITCH OFF / UNPOWER THE DEVICE NOW - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
0B FW UPGRADED The firmware has been updated - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Group flashing x2, light time 20%, period 100ms
- Buzzer ON during 500ms
- Pause; wait during 2s
0C CONFIG CLEARED Factory settings have been restored - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Group flashing x4, light time 5%, period 100ms
Repeat 3 times {
- Buzzer ON during 20ms
- Pause; wait during 200ms
0D SELF TEST Self-test sequence Repeat forever {
- 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Solid ON
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- All LEDs: Solid ON
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Solid ON
- 4th LED: Solid ON
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Solid ON
- 4th LED: Solid ON
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Solid ON
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- All LEDs: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- Buzzer ON during 500ms
0E WINK Wink! Repeat 10 times {
- Buzzer ON during 100ms
- All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 500ms
- All LEDs OFF
- Restore earlier UI sequence
0F BLACKOUT Going to sleep mode (not shutdown) Store current sequence
- All LEDs OFF
10 STARTED IDLE Started, waiting for activation Store current sequence
- 1st LED: Flashing, light time 10%, period 4s
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
11 STARTED ACTIVE Started, activated - Buzzer ON during 10ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
13 STATE SUSPEND USB suspended Store current sequence
- Buzzer ON during 100ms
- RGB LED: Solid ON
- RGB LED: Fade to Black (000000), duration 100ms
20 NFC RFID INACTIVE Started, field is OFF Store current sequence
Run internal hook (may replace the default color by a configuration-defined color)
- 1st LED: Flashing, light time 10%, period 500ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
21 NFC RFID ACTIVE Started, field is ON / device is polling Store current sequence
Run internal hook (may replace the default color by a configuration-defined color)
- 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
22 NFC RFID TAG READING A NFC or RFID tag is being read - 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
23 NFC RFID TAG READ SUCCESS A NFC or RFID tag has been read - 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Solid ON
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Buzzer ON during 100ms
- All LEDs: Solid ON
- Pause; wait during 2,4s
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
24 NFC RFID TAG READ FAILED Reading the NFC or RFID tag has failed - All LEDs: Switch OFF
- Buzzer ON during 500ms
- Pause; wait during 2s
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
25 NFC RFID TAG READ AGAIN Please present the same NFC or RFID tag again - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 2,5s
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
28 NFC RFID TAG INSERT A NFC or RFID tag has been found - 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Buzzer ON during 100ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID TAG PRESENT
29 NFC RFID TAG PRESENT A NFC or RFID tag is kept present Store current sequence
- 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Solid ON
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
2A NFC RFID TAG ACTIVE A NFC or RFID tag is present and busy - 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID TAG PRESENT
2B NFC RFID TAG ERROR A NFC or RFID tag is present but we failed communicating with it - 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
2C NFC RFID TAG COUNTERFEIT A NFC or RFID tag is present but we know it is not genuine - 1st LED: Solid ON
- 2nd LED: Solid ON
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
30 PROFILE DIRECT Starting with SpringCore Direct profile - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 900ms
32 PROFILE CDC Starting with CDC (serial emulation) profile - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 900ms
33 PROFILE CCID Starting with CCID (PC/SC) profile - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
- Pause; wait during 900ms
34 PROFILE HID Starting with HID (keyboard emulation) profile - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 900ms
3E PROFILE SPECIAL Starting with another profile - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 900ms
3F PROFILE ERROR The profile specified in register 02C0 is not supported - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 100ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 900ms
40 PRODUCT UNKNOWN Hardware variant not recognized - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- Pause; wait during 1s
50 MASTERCARD PENDING Master-card recognized, keep it steady over the antenna - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
Repeat forever {
- Buzzer ON during 10ms
- Pause; wait during 60ms
51 MASTERCARD SUCCESS Master-card accepted and successfully processed - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
Repeat forever {
- Buzzer ON during 300ms
- Pause; wait during 700ms
- Buzzer ON during 50ms
- Pause; wait during 200ms
- Buzzer ON during 50ms
- Pause; wait during 200ms
52 MASTERCARD FAILED Master-card rejected, or removed during processing - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- Buzzer ON during 1s
- Pause; wait during 2s
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
54 COLORADO PENDING Colorado App. or Tag. recognized, keep it steady over the antenna - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 50ms
- 4th LED: Switch OFF
Repeat forever {
- Buzzer ON during 20ms
- Pause; wait during 70ms
55 COLORADO SUCCESS Data have been transmitted to Colorado App. or Tag. - All LEDs: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- Buzzer ON during 300ms
- Pause; wait during 700ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
56 COLORADO FAILED Failed to transmit data to Colorado App. or Tag. - 1st LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 2nd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 200ms
- 3rd LED: Switch OFF
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 50ms
- Buzzer ON during 700ms
- Pause; wait during 300ms
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
60 ACCESS GRANTED Tag or Token accepted, door is opening - All LEDs: Solid ON
- Buzzer ON during 100ms
- Pause; wait during 2,5s
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
61 ACCESS DENIED Tag or Token denied - All LEDs: Switch OFF
- Buzzer ON during 600ms
- Pause; wait during 1s
- Continue with sequence NFC RFID ACTIVE
80 NETWORK NOT LINKED Ethernet not connected - 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
81 NETWORK WAITING Ethernet connected, waiting… - 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Flashing, light time 10%, period 1s
82 NETWORK WAITING FOR CLIENT Not connected, waiting for client application - Buzzer ON during 20ms
- 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Group flashing x2, light time 10%, period 1s
83 NETWORK WAITING FOR SERVER Not connected to remote server service - 1st LED: Switch OFF
- 2nd LED: Switch OFF
- 3rd LED: Blinking, isophase (light time 50%), period 100ms
- 4th LED: Group flashing x3, light time 10%, period 1s
F0 SHORT BEEP Short beep - Buzzer ON during 50ms

Version of UI sequences: 01