Network Setup


Use this command to change the network settings (address, mask etc) of a device that has been previously found using the Begin Lookup / End Lookup command pair.


URL : /setup/{$id}/network

Method : PUT

URL Params : {$id} : the TemporaryId of the device that has been returned by the previous End Lookup command.

Request data :

Field name Type Status Description
Dhcp boolean mandatory true or false
IpAddress string option Static IPv4 address. Do not set this value if Dhcp is true
IpMask string option Static IPv4 subnet mask. Do not set this value if Dhcp is true
IpGateway string option Static IPv4 default gateway. Do not set this value if Dhcp is true
DnsServers string option List of DNS servers, separated by a semi-colon. Do not set this value if Dhcp is true or if the device does not need to resolve host names.
WritePassword string option Password to unlock write access to the device


	"TemporaryId": "i3DU48vD02aTNl0oSXzxM8",
	"Dhcp": true

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content : a SUCCESS object.

Error Response

See Error Responses.