
At first, SpringCard Companion is a standalone, multi-platform application that provides in a single setup package

  • The drivers for all the devices and in all modes, allowing a seamless installation experience,
  • The SpringCard Companion App, a single-entry application that combines the features previously divided among MultiConf (configuration of the devices), FUU (firmware upgrade) and many diagnostic tools,
  • The SpringCard Companion Service, the innovative gateway between the ‘technical’ world of SpringCard devices and moder, cross-platform applications. In short, instead of letting the application developers deal with low level API or system commands, SpringCard Companion Service exposes the devices and their features through a unified, high-level HTTP REST API.
  • The SpringCard Companion Gallery, a large gallery of sample software, with the source code provided, to inspire the solution designers or the developers while designing their own application using SpringCard devices.