Begin Lookup


This command activates the device discovery task on the specified communication channel (namely serial, network or BLE).

Use the End Lookup route to terminate the discovery task and retrieve the list of devices that have been found.


URL : /lookup/begin

Method : POST

URL Params : None

Request data :

Field name Type Status Description Condition
Channel string mandatory Communication channel: serial, ble or network
Timeout integer option Duration of the discovery task, specified in seconds between 1 and 60.
If this value is not set, it defaults to 5 seconds.
SerialPort string option Name of the communication port. If empty, all the available communication ports are probed one after the other, until a suitable device is found.
Use /utilities/list-serial-ports to get the list of communication ports.
Channel is serial
SerialSettings string option Parameters of the communication port. Default is 38400:8:N:1 Channel is serial


Discover a serial device

	"Channel": "serial",
	"SerialPort": "COM27"

Discover devices on the network

	"Channel": "network",
	"Timeout": 3

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content : a SUCCESS object.

Error Response

See Error Responses.

Specific error messages are:

  • "AlreadyRunning": the discovery task is already running. Wait until its timeout occurs or call the end_lookup route to terminate it earlier.
  • "CommNotAvailable": the specified communication port does not exist on the computer running the SpringCard Companion Service.
  • "CommAccessDenied": the SpringCard Companion Service failed to open the communication port. It may be already used by another application.
  • "BleNotAvailable": the computer running the SpringCard Companion Service does not seem to have a BLE interface.
  • "BleAccessDenied": the SpringCard Companion Service failed to open the BLE interface.
  • "NetworkNotAvailable": the computer running the SpringCard Companion Service does not seem to have a network connection.
  • "NetworkNdduPortAlreadyInUse": the UDP port used by the NDDU protocol (SpringCard Network Device Discovery Utility) has already been opened by another software.