SpringCard PC/SC API for .NET  18.10.10
Access PC/SC couplers and smart cards from .NET applications
SpringCard.PCSC.SCARD.NativeMethods.Win32 Class Reference

Win32 native methods, from winscard.dll. More...



Public Member Functions

static uint EstablishContext (uint dwScope, IntPtr nNotUsed1, IntPtr nNotUsed2, ref IntPtr phContext)
static uint ReleaseContext (IntPtr Context)
static uint ListReaders (IntPtr context, string groups, string readers, ref uint size)
static uint ListReadersWithDeviceInstanceId (IntPtr context, string device_instance_id, string readers, ref uint size)
static uint GetStatusChange (IntPtr hContext, uint dwTimeout, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=3)] READERSTATE[] rgReaderState, uint cReaders)
static uint Cancel (IntPtr hContext)
static uint Connect (IntPtr hContext, string cReaderName, uint dwShareMode, uint dwPrefProtocol, ref IntPtr phCard, ref uint ActiveProtocol)
static uint Reconnect (IntPtr hCard, uint dwShareMode, uint dwPrefProtocol, uint swInit, ref uint ActiveProtocol)
static uint Disconnect (IntPtr hCard, uint Disposition)
static uint Status (IntPtr hCard, IntPtr mszReaderNames, ref uint pcchReaderLen, ref uint readerState, ref uint protocol, [In, Out] byte[] atr_bytes, ref uint atr_length)
static uint Transmit (IntPtr hCard, IntPtr pioSendPci, byte[] pbSendBuffer, uint cbSendLength, IntPtr pioRecvPci, [In, Out] byte[] pbRecvBuffer, [In, Out] ref uint pcbRecvLength)
static uint GetAttrib (IntPtr hCard, uint dwAttrId, [In, Out] byte[] pbAttr, [In, Out] ref uint pcbAttrLength)
static uint Control (IntPtr hCard, uint ctlCode, [In] byte[] pbSendBuffer, uint cbSendLength, [In, Out] byte[] pbRecvBuffer, uint RecvBuffsize, [In, Out] ref uint pcbRecvLength)
static uint BeginTransaction (IntPtr hCard)
static uint EndTransaction (IntPtr hCard, uint Disposition)
static uint ListCards (IntPtr phContext, byte[] pbAtr, byte[] rgguiInterfaces, uint cguidInterfaceCount, string mszCards, ref int pcchCards)
static uint IntroduceCardType (IntPtr phContext, string szCardName, byte[] pguidPrimaryProvider, byte[] rgguidInterfaces, uint dwInterfaceCount, byte[] atr, byte[] pbAtrMask, uint cbAtrLen)
static uint SetCardTypeProviderName (IntPtr phContext, string szCardName, uint dwProviderId, string szProvider)

Public Attributes

const string DllName = "winscard.dll"

Detailed Description

Win32 native methods, from winscard.dll.

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