



SpringCoreConfig.exe is a command-line tool to upload a complete configuration file into a SpringCore device.


SpringCoreTool.exe runs over Microsoft .NET standard framework, version 4.6.2 or greater. On Linux and Mac OS X, it runs over Mono.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2019-2021 SpringCard SAS, France. All Rights Reserved.

See LICENSE.txt in the tool directory for the complete License.



> SpringCoreConfig.exe [PARAMETERS] [[OPTIONS]]

Linux / Mac OS X:

$ mono SpringCoreConfig.exe [PARAMETERS] [[OPTIONS]]

Common features

Device selection

SpringCoreConfig.exe needs to open a communication channel with the SpringCore device. See Device selection for details.

Secure sessions

See Secure sessions.


See Misc. options.


There are 4 possible modes:

  • Overwrite the whole configuration using a configuration file (either local or remote)
  • Write only one register
  • Read-back one register
  • Read-back a set of registers

Note that writing or reading-back the configuration could be disabled in the device’s configuration to enforce security.


Write a complete configuration from a configuration file. The configuration file is stored locally.

SpringCoreConfig.exe --file <CONFIG FILE>

Format of the configuration file

SpringCoreConfig.exe supports two types of configuration files: JSON or CFG. Either file format may provide the same content.

Options for –file

When --file is used,

  1. The device restores its default configuration before accepting the new values from the file. Use the --no-load-defaults option to write the values from the file without restoring the default configuration first.
  2. The device resets afterwards, to activate the new configuration. Use the --no-reset option to prevent the device from resetting.
  3. The tool tries to guess the type of config file from its extension. Specify either --file-type=json or --file-type=cfg if the extension is not explicit.


Write a complete configuration from a configuration file. The configuration file comes from a remote server.

SpringCoreConfig.exe --url <REMOTE CONFIG FILE>

URL scheme

Only HTTP and HTTPS schemes are supported with the --url option.

The <REMOTE CONFIG FILE> parameter shall therefore starts with either http:// or https://.

Format of the configuration file

SpringCoreConfig.exe supports two types of configuration files: JSON or CFG. Either file format may provide the same content.

Options for –url

When --url is used,

  1. The device restores its default configuration before accepting the new values from the file. Use the --no-load-defaults option to write the values from the file without restoring the default configuration first.
  2. The device resets afterwards, to activate the new configuration. Use the --no-reset option to prevent the device from resetting.
  3. The tool tries to guess the type of config file from its extension. Specify either --file-type=json or --file-type=cfg if the extension is not explicit.


Set the value of one register

SpringCoreConfig.exe --write <ADDRESS>=<VALUE>


Read-back one register

SpringCoreConfig.exe --read <ADDRESS>

Options for –read

When --read is used,

  • Add the --text parameter to show the content of the register as text. Default is hexadecimal.

  • Add the --use-free-read parameter to use the READ_FREE_REGISTER INStruction instead of the READ REGISTER INStruction. This allow to access at least the few publicly-readable registers if the device’s security prevents reading the configuration.


Read-back a set of registers

SpringCoreConfig.exe --dump <BANK>

Specify the register bank you want to read-back:

  • 1 : Constants

  • 2 : Configuration

  • 3 : Templates

  • 4 : Statistics

Options for –dump

When --dump is used,