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AuthenticationKeyIndex(value) - Constructor for enum com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters.AuthenticationKeyIndex
AuthenticationMode(value) - Constructor for enum com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters.AuthenticationMode


cardConnect() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Connect to the card (power up + open a communication channel with the card)
CcidSecureParameters - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid
Class used to authenticate and ciphering CCID frames
CcidSecureParameters(authMode, keyIndex, keyValue, mode) - Constructor for class com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters
CcidSecureParameters.AuthenticationKeyIndex - Enum in com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid
CcidSecureParameters.AuthenticationMode - Enum in com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid
CcidSecureParameters.CommunicationMode - Enum in com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid
clearCache() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList.Companion
Clear list of devices known
close() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Disconnect from the device callback when succeed : SCardReaderListCallback.onReaderListClosed
com.springcard.pcsclike - package com.springcard.pcsclike
com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj - package com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj
com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid - package com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid
com.springcard.pcsclike.communication - package com.springcard.pcsclike.communication
com.springcard.pcsclike.utils - package com.springcard.pcsclike.utils
CommunicationMode(value) - Constructor for enum com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters.CommunicationMode
Companion - Static variable in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Companion - Static variable in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListBle
control(command) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
The control function gives you direct control on the reader (even when there’s no card in it). Counterpart to PC/SC’s SCardControl callback success: SCardReaderListCallback.onControlResponse
create(ctx, device, callbacks) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList.Companion
Instantiate a SpringCard PC/SC product (possibly including one or more reader a.k.a slot) callback when succeed : SCardReaderListCallback.onReaderListCreated
create(ctx, device, callbacks, secureConnexionParameters) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList.Companion
Instantiate a SpringCard PC/SC product (possibly including one or more reader a.k.a slot) callback when succeed : SCardReaderListCallback.onReaderListCreated It also creates a secure communication channel based on info given in parameter
create$module(ctx) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListBle
create$module(ctx, secureConnexionParameters) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListBle
create$module(ctx) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListUsb
create$module(ctx, secureConnexionParameters) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListUsb


disconnect() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardChannel
Disconnect from the card (close the communication channel + power down)


ErrorCodes(value) - Constructor for enum com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError.ErrorCodes
List of error codes
excludedMethodAnnotatedWithDebugTrace() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj.LogAscpect


GattAttributes - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike.communication
GattAttributes() - Constructor for class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
GattAttributesD600 - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike.communication
GattAttributesSpringCore - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike.communication
getAtr() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardChannel
Card’s ATR
getAuthMode() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters
Authentication version
getCardConnected() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Is a card connected (a ICC PwrOn happened) ?
getCardPowered() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Is the card powered (by the device) ?
getCardPresent() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Is the card present in the slot ?
getChannel() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Communication channel with a card
getCode() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError
The error code
getDetail() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError
Detailed information about the error
getFirmwareVersion() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Firmware version of the device, in the form “”
getFirmwareVersionBuild() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
The build number (bb part of libraryVersion)
getFirmwareVersionMajor() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
The MM part of libraryVersion
getFirmwareVersionMinor() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
The mm part of libraryVersion
getIndex() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Index of the slot in the class SCardReaderList
getKeyIndex() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters
Index of the Key
getKeyValue() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters
The value of the key on 16 bytes for AES128
getMessage() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError
Message corresponding to the ErrorCodes
getMode() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters
This field specify how the communication will be secured once the authentication is passed
getName() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Name of the slot
getParent() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardChannel
Points to an
getParent() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Points to an
getPowerInfo() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Get battery level and power state from the device. callback: SCardReaderListCallback.onPowerInfo
getProductName() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Product name of the device
getReader(slotIndex) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Retrieve the SCardReader at the index specified. If the index is wrong the callback SCardReaderListCallback.onReaderListError will be called
getReader(slotName) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Retrieve the SCardReader associated to the name passed in parameter. If the name doesn't exist, callback SCardReaderListCallback.onReaderListError will be called
getSerialNumber() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Serial number of the device, expressed in hexadecimal
getSerialNumberRaw() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Serial number of the BLE device
getSlotCount() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Number of slots
getSlots() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Name of every slot
getUuid(longUuid) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_APPEARANCE_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_BATTERY_POWER_STATE_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_BATTERY_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_CCID_PC_TO_RDR_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
getUUID_CCID_RDR_TO_PC_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
getUUID_CCID_STATUS_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
getUUID_DEVICE_INFORMATION_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_DEVICE_NAME_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_GENERIC_ACCESS_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_MODEL_NUMBER_STRING_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_PNP_ID_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_SERVICE_CHANGED_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributes
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CCID_BONDED_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CCID_PLAIN_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CCID_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CCID_STATUS_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CCID_TO_PC_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CCID_TO_RDR_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_CONFIG_IO_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_DEVICE_CONFIG_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_DFU_TO_PC_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_DFU_TO_RDR_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_OTA_DFU_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_RFID_SCAN_PCSC_LIKE_SERVICE() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_SCAN_CONTROL_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getUUID_SPRINGCARD_SCAN_DATA_CHAR() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
getValue() - Method in enum com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters.AuthenticationKeyIndex
getValue() - Method in enum com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters.AuthenticationMode
getValue() - Method in enum com.springcard.pcsclike.ccid.CcidSecureParameters.CommunicationMode
getValue() - Method in enum com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError.ErrorCodes
Error code value
getVendorName() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Manufacturer name of the device


hexStringToByteArray($receiver) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
Convert an hexadecimal String to a ByteArray ex: 1FABCD -> [ 0x1F, 0xAB, 0xCD ]. See UtilsKt.toHexString to do the inverse


INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesD600
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
isCcidServiceBonded() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
isConnected() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
True the device is connected to the phone
isCorrectlyKnown() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
True if the device has previously been correctly connected (and the library as not been unloaded or SCardReaderList.clearCache has not been called)
isFatal() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError
If the error was critical,
isHex($receiver) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
Check is a string represent an hexadecimal value (even length, digit and A-F chars)
isSleeping() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
True if the device is gone to sleep


LogAscpect - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj
LogAscpect() - Constructor for class com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj.LogAscpect


methodAnnotatedWithDebugTrace() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj.LogAscpect


onCardConnected(channel) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
Used to give the result of a SCardReader.cardConnect
onCardDisconnected(channel) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
Used when the card is disconnected
onControlResponse(readerList, response) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
When a response is received after a call to SCardReaderList.control
onPowerInfo(readerList, powerState, batteryLevel) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
onReaderListClosed(readerList) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
When a disconnection from the current connected readerList is asked or when the readerList itself close
onReaderListCreated(readerList) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
When the SCardReaderList.create methods finished its job, this method is called
onReaderListError(readerList, error) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
Invoked for all readerList-level errors, e.g. BLE error, protocol error, etc. When this callback is invoked, the connection to the readerList is often closed.
onReaderListState(readerList, isInLowPowerMode) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
Invoked when the device is going to sleep or waking up
onReaderOrCardError(readerOrCard, error) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
Invoked for all “recoverable” errors, e.g. invalid slot number, card absent, card removed or mute, etc.
onReaderStatus(slot, cardPresent, cardConnected) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
When a card is inserted into, or removed from an active reader
onTransmitResponse(channel, response) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
When a R-APDU is received after a call to SCardChannel.transmit


reconnect() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardChannel
Counterpart to PC/SC’s SCardReconnect, same as SCardReader.cardConnect
RotateLeftOneByte($receiver) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
Rotate an array by one byte to the left
RotateRightOneByte($receiver) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
Rotate an array by one byte to the right


SCardChannel - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
Represents a channel You can get this object with a call to reader.cardConnect()
SCardError - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
Class used by the errors callbacks when an error occurred It contains some information about how the error happened
SCardError(code, detail, isFatal) - Constructor for class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardError
Class used by the errors callbacks when an error occurred It contains some information about how the error happened
SCardError.ErrorCodes - Enum in com.springcard.pcsclike
List of error codes
SCardReader - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
Represents a slot You can get this object with a call to SCardReaderList.getReader
SCardReaderList - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
This class representing a SpringCard device (with possibly more than one slot)
SCardReaderList.Companion - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
SCardReaderListBle - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
SCardReaderListBle.Companion - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
SCardReaderListCallback - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
This abstract class is used to implement class SCardReaderList callbacks.
SCardReaderListCallback() - Constructor for class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderListCallback
This abstract class is used to implement class SCardReaderList callbacks.
SCardReaderListUsb - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike
setAtr$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardChannel
Card’s ATR
setCardConnected$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Is a card connected (a ICC PwrOn happened) ?
setCardPowered$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Is the card powered (by the device) ?
setCardPresent$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Is the card present in the slot ?
setCcidServiceBonded(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.communication.GattAttributesSpringCore
setConnected$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
True the device is connected to the phone
setCorrectlyKnown$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
True if the device has previously been correctly connected (and the library as not been unloaded or SCardReaderList.clearCache has not been called)
setIndex$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Index of the slot in the class SCardReaderList
setName$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReader
Name of the slot
setSleeping$module(p) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
True if the device is gone to sleep


toHexString($receiver) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
Convert a ByteArray to a String in hexadecimal format ex: [ 0x1F, 0xAB, 0xCD ] -> 1FABCD. See UtilsKt.hexStringToByteArray to do the inverse
toHexString($receiver) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
transmit(command) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardChannel
Transmit a C-APDU to the card, receive the R-APDU in response (in the callback)


UtilsKt - Class in com.springcard.pcsclike.utils


wakeUp() - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.SCardReaderList
Wake-up ScardReaderList, SCardReaderListCallback.onReaderListState is called when the reader is exiting from sleep
weaveJoinPoint(joinPoint) - Method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.aspectj.LogAscpect


XOR(buffer1, buffer2) - Static method in class com.springcard.pcsclike.utils.UtilsKt
Logical XOR of two arrays: result = buffer1 XOR buffer2. The length of the resulting array is set to the shortest of both.
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