SpringCard Smart Readers library for .NET  19.9.20
Communicate and manage SpringCard Smart Reader devices
SpringCard.SmartReader.MasterCardV2.ECC128 Class Reference


class  ECKeyPair

Static Public Member Functions

static bool Verify (byte[] hash, byte[] signature, ECPublicKeyParameters pubKey)
static bool Verify (byte[] hash, byte[] signature, byte[] pubKey)
static byte [] Sign (byte[] hash, ECPrivateKeyParameters privKey, byte[] seed=null)
static byte [] Sign (byte[] hash, byte[] privKey, byte[] seed=null)
static ECKeyPair GenerateKeyPair ()
static byte [] ExportPublicKey (ECPublicKeyParameters pubKey)
static ECPublicKeyParameters ImportPublicKey (byte[] pubKey)
static byte [] ExportPrivateKey (ECPrivateKeyParameters privKey)
static ECPrivateKeyParameters ImportPrivateKey (byte[] privKey)
static bool SelfTest ()

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