SpringCard PC/SC Helpers for .NET  18.10.10
High-level access to a few current cards and to advanced coupler features
SpringCard.PCSC.CardLibraries.Desfire.SCARD_DESFIRE Class Reference

Public Member Functions

static int AttachLibrary (IntPtr hCard)
static int DetachLibrary (IntPtr hCard)
static int IsoWrapping (IntPtr hCard, byte mode)
static string GetLibraryVersion ()
static string GetErrorMessage (int status)
static int ExplainDataFileSettings (byte[] additionnal_settings_array, ref UInt32 eFileSize)
static int ExplainValueFileSettings (byte[] additionnal_settings_array, ref int lLowerLimit, ref int lUpperLimit, ref UInt32 eLimitedCredit, ref byte bLimitedCreditEnabled)
static int ExplainRecordFileSettings (byte[] additionnal_settings_array, ref UInt32 eRecordSize, ref UInt32 eMaxNRecords, ref UInt32 eCurrNRecords)
static int Authenticate (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumber, byte[] pbAccessKey)
static int ChangeKeySettings (IntPtr hCard, byte key_settings)
static int GetKeySettings (IntPtr hCard, ref byte key_settings, ref byte key_count)
static int ChangeKey (IntPtr hCard, byte key_number, byte[] new_key, byte[] old_key)
static int GetKeyVersion (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumber, ref byte pbKeyVersion)
static int FormatPICC (IntPtr hCard)
static int CreateApplication (IntPtr hCard, UInt32 aid, byte key_setting_1, byte key_setting_2)
static int DeleteApplication (IntPtr hCard, UInt32 aid)
static int GetApplicationIDs (IntPtr hCard, byte aid_max_count, UInt32[] aid_list, ref byte aid_count)
static int SelectApplication (IntPtr hCard, UInt32 aid)
static int GetVersion (IntPtr hCard, byte[] pVersionInfo)
static int GetFileIDs (IntPtr hCard, byte fid_max_count, byte[] fid_list, ref byte fid_count)
static int ChangeFileSettings (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights)
static int CreateStdDataFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 file_size)
static int CreateBackupDataFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 file_size)
static int CreateValueFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, int lower_limit, int upper_limit, int initial_value, byte limited_credit_enabled)
static int CreateLinearRecordFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 record_size, UInt32 max_records)
static int CreateCyclicRecordFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 record_size, UInt32 max_records)
static int DeleteFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id)
static int ReadData (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, UInt32 from_offset, UInt32 max_count, byte[] data, ref UInt32 done_count)
static int ReadData2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, UInt32 from_offset, UInt32 max_count, byte[] data, ref UInt32 done_count)
static int WriteData (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, UInt32 from_offset, UInt32 size, byte[] data)
static int WriteData2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, UInt32 from_offset, UInt32 size, byte[] data)
static int GetValue (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, ref int value)
static int GetValue2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, ref int value)
static int ReadRecords (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, UInt32 from_record, UInt32 max_record_count, UInt32 record_size, byte[] data, ref UInt32 record_count)
static int ReadRecords2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, UInt32 from_record, UInt32 max_record_count, UInt32 record_size, byte[] data, ref UInt32 record_count)
static int WriteRecord (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, UInt32 from_offset, UInt32 size, byte[] data)
static int WriteRecord2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, UInt32 from_offset, UInt32 size, byte[] data)
static int LimitedCredit (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, int amount)
static int LimitedCredit2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, int amount)
static int Credit (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, int amount)
static int Credit2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, int amount)
static int Debit (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, byte comm_mode, int amount)
static int Debit2 (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, int amount)
static int ClearRecordFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id)
static int CommitTransaction (IntPtr hCard)
static int AbortTransaction (IntPtr hCard)
static int AuthenticateIso (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumber, byte[] pbAccessKey)
static int AuthenticateIso24 (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumber, byte[] pbAccessKey)
static int AuthenticateAes (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumber, byte[] pbAccessKey)
static int ChangeKey24 (IntPtr hCard, byte key_number, byte[] new_key, byte[] old_key)
static int ChangeKeyAes (IntPtr hCard, byte key_number, byte key_version, byte[] new_key, byte[] old_key)
static int GetFreeMemory (IntPtr hCard, ref UInt32 pdwFreeBytes)
static int SetConfiguration (IntPtr hCard, byte option, byte[] data, byte length)
static int GetCardUID (IntPtr hCard, byte[] uid)
static int CreateIsoApplication (IntPtr hCard, UInt32 aid, byte key_settings, byte keys_count, ushort iso_df_id, byte[] iso_df_name, byte iso_df_namelen)
static int GetIsoFileIDs (IntPtr hCard, byte fid_max_count, ushort[] fid_list, ref byte fid_count)
static int CreateIsoStdDataFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, ushort iso_ef_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 file_size)
static int CreateIsoBackupDataFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, ushort iso_ef_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 file_size)
static int CreateIsoLinearRecordFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, ushort iso_ef_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 record_size, UInt32 max_records)
static int CreateIsoCyclicRecordFile (IntPtr hCard, byte file_id, ushort iso_ef_id, byte comm_mode, ushort access_rights, UInt32 record_size, UInt32 max_records)
static int IsoApdu (IntPtr hCard, byte INS, byte P1, byte P2, byte Lc, byte[] data_in, byte Le, byte[] data_out, ref ushort data_out_len, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoSelectApplet (IntPtr hCard, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoSelectDF (IntPtr hCard, ushort fid, byte[] fci, ushort fci_max_length, ref ushort fci_length, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoSelectDFName (IntPtr hCard, byte[] df_name, byte df_name_len, byte[] fci, ushort fci_max_length, ref ushort fci_length, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoSelectEF (IntPtr hCard, ushort fid, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoReadBinary (IntPtr hCard, ushort offset, byte[] data, byte want_length, ref ushort length, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoUpdateBinary (IntPtr hCard, ushort offset, byte[] data, byte length, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoReadRecord (IntPtr hCard, byte number, bool read_all, byte[] data, ushort max_length, ref ushort length, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoAppendRecord (IntPtr hCard, byte[] data, byte length, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoGetChallenge (IntPtr hCard, byte chal_size, byte[] card_chal_1, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoExternalAuthenticate (IntPtr hCard, byte key_algorithm, byte key_reference, byte chal_size, byte[] card_chal_1, byte[] host_chal_1, byte[] key_value, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoInternalAuthenticate (IntPtr hCard, byte key_algorithm, byte key_reference, byte chal_size, byte[] host_chal_2, byte[] card_chal_2, byte[] key_value, ref ushort SW)
static int IsoMutualAuthenticate (IntPtr hCard, byte key_algorithm, byte key_reference, byte[] key_value, ref ushort SW)
static int AttachSAM (IntPtr hCard, IntPtr hSam)
static int DetachSAM (IntPtr hCard, IntPtr hSam, UInt32 dwDisposition)
static int SAM_Unlock (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberSam, byte bKeyVersion, byte[] pbKeyValue)
static int SAM_SelectApplication (IntPtr hCard, UInt32 aid)
static int SAM_AuthenticateEx (IntPtr hCard, byte bAuthMethod, byte bKeyNumberCard, byte bSamParamP1, byte bSamParamP2, byte bKeyNumberSam, byte bKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength)
static int SAM_Authenticate (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberCard, bool fApplicationKeyNo, byte bKeyNumberSam, byte bKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength, bool fDivAv2Mode, bool fDivTwoRounds)
static int SAM_AuthenticateIso (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberCard, bool fApplicationKeyNo, byte bKeyNumberSam, byte bKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength, bool fDivAv2Mode, bool fDivTwoRounds)
static int SAM_AuthenticateAes (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberCard, bool fApplicationKeyNo, byte bKeyNumberSam, byte bKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength, bool fDivAv2Mode, bool fDivTwoRounds)
static int SAM_ChangeKeyEx (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberCard, byte bSamParamP1, byte bSamParamP2, byte bOldKeyNumberSam, byte bOldKeyVersion, byte bNewKeyNumberSam, byte bNewKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength)
static int SAM_ChangeKey1 (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberCard, bool fIsCardMasterKey, byte bNewKeyNumberSam, byte bNewKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength, bool fDivAv2Mode, bool fNewDivEnable, bool fNewDivTwoRounds)
static int SAM_ChangeKey2 (IntPtr hCard, byte bKeyNumberCard, byte bOldKeyNumberSam, byte bOldKeyVersion, byte bNewKeyNumberSam, byte bNewKeyVersion, byte[] pbDivInp, byte bDivInpLength, bool fDivAv2Mode, bool fOldDivEnable, bool fOldDivTwoRounds, bool fNewDivEnable, bool fNewDivTwoRounds)

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