Enumerator |
Success | No error
Communication | The NFC communication channel with the mobile has been broken
LicenseMissing | The library requires a License
LicenseNotAllowed | The conditions to accept the library's License are not met
LicenseNotActive | The library's License is no more valid
WrongCommand | The mobile says that our command is erroneous
WrongResponseStatusWord | The mobile's has reported an error in its status word
WrongResponseData | The mobile's response is invalid
DataMissing | The mobile does not have any VAS data, or its configuration is broken
NoVasApplication | The mobile does not run the VAS application
VasVersionConflict | The mobile runs an unsupported version of the VAS application
VasDisabled | The mobile says we should skip the VAS protocol
NoVasMerchant | The mobile has no available pass for this merchant
NoVasMessage | The mobile's response does not contain a VAS message for our merchant
WaitingForIntervention | The mobile is waiting for user intervention
WaitingForActivation | The mobile is waiting for user activation
UnknownMerchantPublicKeyId | The mobile announced a merchant public key id that the terminal does not know
NoMobilePublicKey | The mobile did not provide its public key
KeyDerivationFailed | The terminal has failed to compute the shared key
MessageDecipherFailed | A message has been received for the given merchant, but a decryption error has occured