▼NSpringCard | |
▼NLibCs | |
▼CAppInfo | Utility to retrieve most information regarding the running program |
CAssemblyInfo | Information regarding an assembly (program or library) |
CAsn1Tlv | ASN.1 Tag,Length,Value (TLV) object |
CBinConvert | Utilities to convert text into numbers or array, and reverse |
CBinUtils | Utilities to manipulate raw arrays and binary values |
CCfgFile | CFG file object |
CCommSettings | Manipulation of comm. port settings |
CConsoleInteraction | |
CCsvFileCommon | Manipulation of CSV files |
CCsvFileReader | Class for reading from comma-separated-value (CSV) files |
CCsvFileWriter | Class for writing to comma-separated-value (CSV) files |
CFileUtils | File-related utilities |
CIniFile | INI file object (pure .NET implementation, no dependency to Windows' libraries) |
▼CLogger | Utility to log execution information on the console, the trace or debug output, the system event collector (Windows or Syslog) or a remote GrayLog server |
CLoggerDebugListener | |
CLoggerTraceListener | |
CMD5 | MD5 hash |
CPhpDefineFile | |
CRawData | Utilities to manipulate raw arrays and binary values |
CRestClient | A simple REST client, to access a remote REST API through HTTP or HTTPS |
CStoredInteraction | |
CStrUtils | String manipulation utilities |
CSystemExec | Utilities to run and control external programs |
CSystemInfo | Utility to retrieve most information regarding the operating system |
CT | |
CTextMessageInteraction | |
CTranslatable | This class can be used in projects where internationalization is used and projects where it's not used |
CTranslation |