SpringCard LibCs for .NET  18.10.10
A set of utilities to simplify the development of .NET application
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAppInfoUtility to retrieve most information regarding the running program
 CAssemblyInfoInformation regarding an assembly (program or library)
 CAsn1TlvASN.1 Tag,Length,Value (TLV) object
 CBinConvertUtilities to convert text into numbers or array, and reverse
 CBinUtilsUtilities to manipulate raw arrays and binary values
 CCfgFileCFG file object
 CCommSettingsManipulation of comm. port settings
 CCsvFileCommonManipulation of CSV files
 CCsvFileReaderClass for reading from comma-separated-value (CSV) files
 CCsvFileWriterClass for writing to comma-separated-value (CSV) files
 CFileUtilsFile-related utilities
 CIniFileINI file object (pure .NET implementation, no dependency to Windows' libraries)
 CLoggerUtility to log execution information on the console, the trace or debug output, the system event collector (Windows or Syslog) or a remote GrayLog server
 CMD5MD5 hash
 CRawDataUtilities to manipulate raw arrays and binary values
 CRestClientA simple REST client, to access a remote REST API through HTTP or HTTPS
 CStrUtilsString manipulation utilities
 CSystemExecUtilities to run and control external programs
 CSystemInfoUtility to retrieve most information regarding the operating system
 CTranslatableThis class can be used in projects where internationalization is used and projects where it's not used